Sometimes we are asked why we help animals instead of people. If you're in animal rescue, you've probably been asked the same question. After my feathers unruffle a little, this is the first thing I tell them.
Mazie's Mission participates in several community outreach programs and we love them all, but this one has a really special place in our hearts. We partner with an organization called Hope's Door. They specialize in helping families affected by domestic violence.
In some cases, the last piece of the puzzle that must be sorted before a woman will leave her abuser is, "what will happen to my dog?" We are privileged to offer help with that last piece. When Hope's Door calls us, we offer a 30 day foster to pets displaced by a domestic abuse situation. We take dogs, cats--we even took in a bird once--as long as we can find a foster home.
Usually, we will post the need for a foster on Facebook, and there's not much notice. These situations, as you can imagine, are tricky to navigate. We can post a description of the animal, but not an actual picture for safety reasons. A volunteer goes to the Plano Police Department to pick up whatever animals we're taking, and they stay with a foster for the 30 day term.
The paws you see above belong to a precious little lady who came to us yesterday. We can't show you her face or tell you her name, but it starts with an "M". I think I'll call her Minerva (because I'm a Harry Potter fan and this is my blog!)
By helping Minerva, we helped her family leave an abusive situation. We will do our best to make her as comfortable as possible until her family is ready to take her back. If you would like to help both animals and people, you can sign up to be a Hope's Door Emergency Foster. Visit our website:, fill out a foster application, and indicate that you'd like to be contacted when we have a Hope's Door case.
"You have two hands, one for helping yourself, and one for helping others." ---Audrey Hepburn
Thanks for reading and sharing!
Mazie's Mission and Minerva